Find out how we can help you on your road to recovery.

Substance Abuse Statistics

The statistics around addiction are staggering, and they only begin to tell the story of just how many lives are impacted by substance abuse. The lives of individuals abusing drugs and alcohol aren’t the only ones affected. These lives also include the loved ones and communities that are struggling and overwhelmed—which aren’t reflected in the …

Most Abused Drugs in the US

What is the most abused drug in the US? Commonly abused drugs mean different things to different people. There are so many ways to clarify this topic. What are the commonly abused drugs that are over the counter? What are the commonly abused drugs that are illicit? The most commonly abused drugs are going to …

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Substance abuse can take a toll on the user and loved ones if not addressed right away. The staff at Vogue Recovery Center in Arizona and Nevada can help you with hypnotherapy. You may be asking “how does hypnotherapy work?” Below is more information about our hypnotherapy program in AZ. What is Hypnotherapy? As the …

How Long Does Detox Take?

Going cold turkey when detoxing from drugs or alcohol can be painful. In fact, the thought of what one goes through during detox is often one of the biggest deterrents of reaching out to get help for an addiction. This is why medical detox programs are often the most popular method. For some people, such …

Yoga as an Addiction Recovery Tool

Top Rehab Centers have in recent years begun to include complementary treatments into recovery programs beyond the traditional twelve steps. Many of these are incorporated to give recovering addicts tools to use to maintain their sobriety. Yoga is becoming a popular addiction recovery tool.  Its efficacy on the health of the body and mind is …

Self-motivation in the Face of Recovery from Addiction

After getting clean, the recovering addict faces must maintain their sobriety and not succumb to the temptations of old habits. A good support network of people who understand and wish to fight for the recovering addict’s sobriety is vital. However, the most important component is the recovering addict’s self-motivation to remain sober. These pointers for …

Addiction vs Recovery

When you are in the grips of an addiction, it’s hard to conceptualize what recovery could be like. In fact, most addicts won’t even try it, preferring instead to remain locked in their addiction despite its harmful effects on them. However, for addicts who have plucked up the courage to go through private rehab, the comparison …