Find out how we can help you on your road to recovery.

How Long Does It Take to Rewire Your Brain from Addiction?

Are you considering getting help for your addiction or in early recovery? Many people ask themselves, “How long does it take to rewire your brain from addiction?” The short answer is that it varies depending on the person and their addiction recovery path. Not everyone’s brain will rewire at the same pace. Many factors come …

The Cycle of Addiction: Where Do You Fall?

Addiction is a disease that changes the chemicals in the brain, so it’s not uncommon to hear people talk about substance abuse as a cycle of addiction from which they can’t break free. But “cycle of addiction” isn’t just a phrase. Addictions generally follow a pattern, progressing from initial use to dependence to addiction and …

Over-the-Counter Drugs That Are Commonly Abused

Everybody gets sick from time to time, whether it’s the common cold, an upset stomach from something you ate, allergies, or any other ailment. Grocery stores and pharmacies have shelves stocked with all sorts of medications to help people with their health needs. Unfortunately, some medications sold to consumers carry a potential for abuse. There …

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS): What Is It?

What’s standing in the way of your recovery? For some, it’s the thought of how painful and uncomfortable detox and withdrawal can be. Withdrawal is the body’s response to quitting drugs or alcohol cold turkey. Besides being highly uncomfortable, it can be dangerous due to potential medical complications. When you first stop using drugs or …

What Is the Kindling Effect in Drug & Alcohol Addiction?

If you have sought substance abuse treatment, you might have heard the phrase “kindling effect” or “kindling phenomenon.” It refers to the challenges someone faces after repeated attempts at sobriety. For some people, the more they try to overcome their addiction, the more intense and life-threatening symptoms of withdrawal can become. The impact drugs and …

The Physical, Emotional, and Behavioral Signs of Addiction

Substance use disorders carry the potential to ruin a person’s life. Alcoholism and drug abuse are dangerous and numerous signs can point to a problem. Understanding the signs of drug and alcohol addiction can be very helpful in recognizing when you or someone else needs help. At Vogue Recovery Center, our team of licensed and …

What Is Cross Addiction?

Cross addiction describes the concept of someone who was addicted to one substance becoming addicted to another or replacing their original addiction with something else. This is often as a means of self-medicating to manage symptoms of withdrawal from the first addiction. Examples of cross addiction include: Switching from alcohol use to prescription drug abuse …

What Is Alcohol Induced Psychosis?

It seems like alcohol is everywhere in our society. Facts from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism show that more than 85% of adults aged 18 or older have tried alcohol at some point. Since alcohol is so widely available, many make the mistake of thinking it’s not dangerous or addictive. But there …

What Is Black Tar Heroin?

When it comes to dangerous and addictive drugs, not many compare to heroin. This potent substance is sometimes called black tar heroin. An opiate derived from morphine, which itself comes from the poppy plant, heroin is fast-acting, highly addictive, and carries the very real potential for overdose and death. According to 2021 data from the …