Find out how we can help you on your road to recovery.

Residential Treatment Program

Drug and alcohol addiction wreaks havoc on both the individual suffering and their loved ones. It takes over the brain, transforming you into someone unrecognizable. When your addiction struggles have become serious, a quality residential rehab is the ideal place to begin your recovery journey.

By offering a combination of traditional and alternative therapies at locations in Las Vegas and Phoenix, Vogue Recovery Center’s residential program addresses the physical, mental, and spiritual wounds of substance abuse in a safe setting. Our full continuum of care allows you to transition into outpatient programs as you grow in recovery.

We know the decision to enter residential drug treatment is a challenging one. Our residential treatment providers will welcome you into our community and help you feel comfortable. With the proper treatment, dedication, and support, recovery from addiction is possible.

residential rehab where a counselor is speaking with some ladies

What Is Residential Treatment?

Vogue Recovery Center’s residential treatment, or residential rehab, provides the highest level of care for addiction treatment. People with addictions typically enter treatment at the residential or inpatient level, where they live on campus and attend treatment programs during the day. They step down to lower levels of care as they gain confidence and time in sobriety. Often, medical detox is needed and occurs before residential treatment.

Living at a Vogue treatment facility in Las Vegas or Phoenix gives you 24/7 access to caregivers, doctors, and therapists. You also have the opportunity to engage with peers in recovery and further process what you learned during the day. With 24-hour monitoring and structured support, your addiction recovery is your primary focus.

Is Residential Treatment Right for You?

Substance abuse treatment is on a continuum. Some people need to immerse themselves in the treatment, structure, and support that residential treatment offers. 

You should strongly consider a residential rehab program if:

  • This is your first time receiving treatment for alcohol and drug addiction
  • You have an addiction with high relapse rates like alcohol addiction, meth addiction, prescription drug addiction, or opioid addiction
  • You use more than one substance
  • You have a co-occurring mental health condition (e.g., depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder)
  • Your living environment or daily life presents roadblocks to recovery
residential-rehab Las Vegas Nevada Facility

Recovering from drug and alcohol addiction is rewarding, but it’s hard work. Many people need time and space away from everyday life to focus on themselves and build solid, sober foundations. Vogue’s residential rehab format prepares you to face sobriety challenges armed with skills that prevent relapse.

What Is Residential Treatment Like?

When you arrive at Vogue Recovery Center’s residential rehab centers in Las Vegas or Phoenix, our admissions team will greet you and give you a tour of the facility and the room where you’ll stay. Next, a comprehensive medical and psychological assessment will be performed to help our therapists and medical professionals create a treatment plan that meets your specific needs.


Your treatment team at Vogue Recovery Center will determine if you need detoxand what approaches will be safest and most effective. For people who have stopped using their substance of choice within the past ten days, detox is required to eliminate substances from their system safely.

During detox, you may have your own room or share a room with another patient. Our nursing staff will support you 24/7 and administer medications as appropriate to ease your withdrawal symptoms. Your vital signs and comfort are monitored around the clock. Detox usually takes one to three days, depending on the substance and individual.

Following detox, you’ll join other clients in the Vogue Recovery Center treatment community and begin participating in daily programming.

Where You Will Live

Vogue Recovery Center accommodations are semi-private, meaning you share space and a bathroom with another client. Many of our residences have a shared kitchen area, recreation rooms, and outdoor gathering spaces shared by multiple clients.

A Typical Day in Residential Treatment

Routine is an essential part of your time at Vogue Recovery Centers. You’ll have time in the morning to shower and get ready. Before breakfast, you may be able to participate in morning yoga or daily devotionals.

After breakfast, you’ll participate in a mix of individual therapy and group therapy. You will have an individual counselor you’ll see one-on-one, though most of the day is spent alongside peers. Groups provide a transformational experience and can help break through the isolation of addiction. Many people report that group work in residential rehaboffers a safe place to be your authentic self without judgment.

Phoenix and Las Vegas Residential Rehab Group Therapy image

Group therapy at Vogue will vary depending on where you attend residential treatment, but some common groups include:

  • Process groups – Discuss challenges and focus on specific behavioral health topics.
  • Psychoeducational groups – Learn about addiction and mental health.
  • Psychodrama – Do role-playing of past or future situations related to challenging experiences, feelings, or relationships.
  • Adventure therapy – Participate in outdoor activities that foster team building and self-confidence.
  • Relapse-prevention groups – Build skills and practices that support long-term recovery.
  • Support groups – Take part in the 12 Stepsand alternatives to the 12 Steps
  • Holistic groups – Do activities like yoga, mindfulness, art therapy, and other experiential therapies.

You’ll have breaks for lunch and dinner, which are served on campus. You may also have a fitness group on some days or small breaks for free time. Evenings include:

  • Onsite or offsite support groups, like AA, NA, and SMART Recovery
  • Roundups to process the day
  • Social activities with other clients
  • Free time

Family Visitation

Most residential treatment centers have designated weekly hours where loved ones can visit, or you can contact them via phone or video call. Family therapy is part of your recovery programming at Vogue Recovery Center. You can have an opportunity to see loved ones while you’re attending inpatient rehab—we believe family support is crucial to your success.

What Happens After Residential Treatment?

Approximately two weeks before your expected discharge from Vogue’s residential rehab program, your treatment team will meet with you to create an aftercare plan based on your treatment progress. Your discharge date will be determined, and you will be referred to outpatient treatment to continue your rehab journey.

Aftercare for residential treatment programs include:

How Long is Residential Treatment

The key to a successful residential rehab stay is gaining the confidence and skills to proceed to outpatient treatment. When you leave residential treatment at Vogue, you should feel like you have a strong foundation in sobriety. You must also have adequate relapse-prevention skills and a solid natural support system outside rehab to re-enter everyday life.

For most clients, the length of residential treatment is often dictated by insurance coverage. Some insurance plans will cover 28 days of residential treatment, while other plans will only cover detox and outpatient programs. Our admissions team will help verify your insurance coverage and understand your needs within your financial constraints.

The most widely used guidelines for levels of care and discharge is the Association of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria. It has specific criteria for outcomes you should meet before moving to a lower level of care or leaving treatment. Clinicians use this to help them determine whether their clients need further treatment or are ready for discharge.

The ASAM supports decisions for discharge planning based on the following:

  • Recovery progress
  • Fulfilling defined goals
  • Clinical needs
  • Obstacles to recovery
  • Strengths
  • Resources
  • Support

The most effective length of time in residential treatment varies from person to person. It may depend on things like:

  • How severe your addiction is
  • Your substance of choice that led to addiction
  • Any co-occurring mental health disorders
  • Your outside support system
  • Your coping skills
  • Your age
  • Whether you have polysubstance use (using more than one drug at once)

Some people attend residential treatment for two or three weeks. Others stay in treatment for several months. There is research that links longer stays in treatment to better recovery outcomes. Specifically, research suggests people who receive addiction treatment for three months or morereport significantly better long-term outcomes than their counterparts.

What Therapies Are Offered in Residential Rehab?

Vogue Recovery Center’s residential treatment programs offer a variety of approaches to help you address addiction and co-occurring disorders. With greater opportunities to experience a range of therapies, you can discover which approaches best support your long-term recovery. Therapy types include:

Veteran Treatment Program

Veterans struggling with substance abuse have specific needs related to their time in the military. The Valor Programat Vogue Recovery Centers is a trauma-informed treatment program designed specifically for veterans. Residential services are available through the Valor Program. Working toward recovery alongside other veterans can improve treatment outcomes through peer support.

Admissions and Insurance

Effective treatment should also be affordable, so we accept most major insurances at Vogue Recovery Centers. Keeping treatment costs within your budget is essential in getting the help you need. Contact Vogue Recovery Centers for a free, confidential consultation and to determine your insurance benefits for residential rehab. 

Private Insurance or Self-pay, We’ll Work with You.

vogue insurance
Inpatient rehab for drug and alcohol addiction is a transformative experience. At Vogue, you can gain the tools you need for long-term recovery and get in a better position to stay sober. Intensive time with treatment professionals and peers in recovery creates the groundwork for a caring support system. If you feel like residential treatment would serve you or a loved one, call Vogue Recovery today. Your healing journey awaits.
residential rehab image of man smiling and healthy

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