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Opiate Painkiller Addiction Treatment

Benefits of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

It’s hard to feel hopeful about breaking the cycle of opiate addiction in the midst of an opioid epidemic that claims thousands of lives every year. However, you should know that it’s very possible to recover from opiate and opioid addiction. We know this firsthand having seen so many of our clients do so in our opiate addiction treatment program.

Signs of Opiate Addiction

Opioids and opiates are in the same class of drugs and the terms are somewhat synonymous. Opiates are natural forms of opioids like codeine, morphine, and heroin. Opioids encompass natural and synthetic or semisynthetic opioids. 

Prescription opioids include drugs like:

These drugs are chemically related. They interact with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the body and brain. Opiate pain relievers are generally safe when taken for a short time as prescribed by a doctor, but because they produce euphoria in addition to pain relief, they are commonly abused.

Regular use of prescription painkillers—even when used as directed for pain management—can lead to physical dependence. When misused, opioid pain relievers put you at risk for drug overdose and deaths.

Signs of opiate and opioid misuse and addiction include:

  • Unable to cut back or quit using opiates on your own
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms between heroin or prescription painkiller use
  • Cravings for opioids
  • Preoccupation with how you’ll get more opioids and when you’ll use again
  • Work, school, financial and relationship issues due to drug use
  • Needing increasing amounts of opioids and opiates to get the same effect
  • Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities you once enjoyed
  • Taking more opiates than prescribed
  • Changes in sleep, eating habits, and weight
  • Selling possessions or stealing to fund drug use
  • Going to more than one doctor with the intention of obtaining more opiates than originally prescribed (doctor shopping)

Beyond pain relief, effects of opiate abuse can include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Euphoria
  • Confusion
  • Slowed breathing
  • Restlessness
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Cold flashes with goosebumps
  • Involuntary leg movements
  • Continuing to use heroin and other opiates despite negative effects on your health and life

If you or somebody you love is struggling with opioid abuse, it’s important to receive immediate medical help and opioid addiction treatment. An opioid use disorder is a serious condition that puts you at high risk for long-term health effects, overdose, and death.

Types of Opiate Addiction Treatment

With some datapegging relapse rates around 90% for opioid addiction, it’s important to receive effective opiate addiction treatment that includes a long-term aftercare plan. Addiction professionals usually treat opioid addiction with a holistic approach. Recovering from opioid addictionand abuse first requires stabilization through medically assisted opioid detox and medications to treat withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Following detox, structured substance abuse and addiction treatment is necessary to address the root causes of drug abuse and develop healthy coping skills to prevent relapse.

Common types of treatments for opioid addiction include:

Residential Treatment

Opioids are highly addictive substances. Opiate addiction comes fast and hard and their powerful grip can be difficult to break. Inpatient opioid addiction rehab removes you from many of the triggers that can feel impossible to resist with such a forceful drug addiction. Not surprisingly, researchhas found the longer you stay in inpatient drug rehabthe better, especially in cases of opiate addiction.

Outpatient Treatment

After an inpatient drug rehab program, it’s ideal to slowly transition back into everyday life. This is accomplished by moving through outpatient levels of care while returning home or staying at a sober living residence. Outpatient rehab levels of care include:

Partial hospitalization program– Day treatment

Intensive outpatient programs– 12 -15 hours of treatment a week

Outpatient treatment– 1-3 hours of treatment a week

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Certain medications for opioid addiction can help ease opioid withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is considered the gold standard in opiate treatment by many addiction specialists. Some research shows medication-assisted treatment can cut opiate addiction deaths by half and helps around 50% of people in recovery from opiate abuse remain sober for at least 18 months.

Medication-assisted treatment requires simultaneous involvement in therapy and support groups as well as regular check-ins with healthcare providers. To be most effective, it’s important that MAT is part of a comprehensive opiate addiction treatment program that includes psychotherapy and relapse prevention activities. The three types of FDA-approved medication-assisted treatments include:

Suboxone (buprenorphine)
Vivitrol (naltrexone)


Researchconfirms that aftercare following long-term residential treatment is a critical part of maintaining sobriety from opioids and other drugs. A comprehensive continuing care plan that includes appointments with physicians and therapists, support groups, sober activities, and action plans when confronted with triggers helps you maintain recovery.

Does Insurance Cover Opiate Rehab?

Many insurances cover rehab fully or partially. Laws are in place that require most insurance companies to cover time at an alcohol and drug rehab center in the same ways they cover other medical conditions. Some insurances will cover detox and outpatient treatment, while others have coverage for inpatient rehab centers. At minimum, you should have benefits you can apply to counseling and behavioral therapy. The best way to determine how your insurance covers treatment of opioid addiction is to call our admissions team. We will work directly with your insurance company to help you understand what they’ll pay for and any out-of-pocket costs.

Opioid Addiction Treatment at Vogue Recovery Center

Vogue Recovery Center has responded to the opioid addiction crisis with evidence-based, specialized treatment programs. Staff at our opiate addiction treatment centers will help you restore physical, mental, and spiritual health. You’ll leave treatment with a toolbox of recovery skills you can draw on for the rest of your life

We use a multidisciplinary approach designed to give you a customized goal-oriented experience. Using the science of addiction medicine in a comfortable, home-like environment you’ll experience an abundance of comfort on the path to restoration. Our solution-focused approach helps you address the reasons you began abusing opiate painkillers. Taking into consideration your family history, traumatic life events, unique stress factors, relationship challenges, and individual patterns, we assess your strengths and weaknesses and design a customized treatment plan that meets your personal needs.

Comfortable, Compassionate Medical Detox

If you stop using opioids abruptly—also known as “cold turkey”— You’ll likely go into opiate withdrawal within a few hours. Opiate withdrawal can include symptoms like:

  • Sweating
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Nausea
  • Inability to sleep
  • Severe anxiety
  • Muscle and bone aches
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Dehydration

You’ll take the first step to opioid addiction recovery in a welcoming setting that feels like home. Our team of medical experts make opiate detox safe and as comfortable as possible. We ease opiate withdrawal symptoms with evidence-based medication and alternative therapies.

You’ll be cared for by our highly credentialed and compassionate addiction medicine team. Nurses will monitor you around the clock. We’ll attend to any discomfort from opioid withdrawal immediately and regularly check your vitals and overall physical and psychological health.

A Personalized, Relatable Treatment Approach

Vogue Recovery Center treats opioid addiction from an evidence-based approach that tackles addiction from all angles– physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our opiate addiction treatment is successful because we don’t just treat the addiction; we also address the reasons behind it. We work with you to understand your unique issues, background, and preferences so we can craft an opioid addiction treatment plan that keeps you engaged and focused on recovery with therapies and activities that are relevant to your life.

Relapse Prevention

You’ll address underlying issues of addiction such as trauma and mental illness and learn how to manage them. You’ll identify triggers and develop healthy coping skills and self-care practices to help you resist the urge to use drugs and alcohol.

Learning recovery skills and developing healthy hobbies are critical in preventing relapse. We prepare you to succeed in opiate recovery by helping you acquire life skills and practice social activities while sober. You’ll learn that recovery can be fun and fulfilling, and you’ll be introduced to drug-free activities that can carry over to life after treatment. This helps prevent relapse.

Individual and Group Therapy

You’ll develop a trusting therapeutic relationship in one-on-one sessions with a mental health professional. They’ll work with you on your specific issues and help create a treatment plan that makes sense for your needs. Small groups give you the opportunity to feel safe being vulnerable and working on interpersonal issues. You’ll share with peers and hear from others with similar struggles.

Medical Care

Our physicians and nurses closely monitor your health and help you restore physical and mental well-being. We’ll educate you on any medications prescribed and attend to physical discomfort or issues that arise as your body adjusts to sobriety. Opiate withdrawal symptoms are eased during drug detox with research-backed medications.

Family Involvement

The whole family needs to heal from addiction. It’s important for trust and healthy communication to be reestablished. Family therapy is integrated throughout treatment and some of our programs offer intensive family weekends. Researchshows that people who feel supported by their family and loved ones do better in recovery.

Get Help for Yourself or a Loved One

It’s possible to recover from opiate addiction and live a life you love. Vogue provides treatment for substance use disorders that’s steeped in research while also engaging and motivating. We’ve helped thousands of clients. We can help you too. Call today for a free, confidential consultation.


Jessica Elbe, LCSW

Medically Reviewed by Jessica Elbe, LCSW

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