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Drug Overdose Symptoms

Someone who has a substance use disorder may benefit from a  partial hospitalization program. In partial hospitalization, or PHP, clients live at home, but they commute to a drug or alcohol treatment facility every day to participate in programs and therapiesdesigned to help them recover. As a result, PHPs have advantages over residential carein that they’re less expensive, they provide more freedom to individuals in need of treatment, and they can help with early detection of drug overdose symptoms. In other words, if a client presents at a PHP in crisis, they can quickly and easily transition to a higher level of care.

Who Is A Good Candidate for a PHP?

Clients may be good candidates for a PHP if they meet certain criteria, including:

  • They have a solid, safe home life
  • Interest in recovering
  • Not suffering from psychosis or delirium
  • Able to verbalize thoughts and feelings
  • They can tolerate a social setting
  • Not a risk to themselves or others

To do well in a partial hospitalization setting, clients should be motivated to recover and interested in their own individualized treatment plan. Consequently, they should be compliant with medicationsand doctor’s advice, and they must have a way to get to the treatment facility and home each day.

Vogue Recovery Center, with facilities in Phoenix and Las Vegas, offers partial hospitalization programs. In short, clients are good candidates if they fit the listed criteria.

How Do I Know If My Loved One Exhibits Drug Overdose Symptoms?

If your loved one struggles with an addiction to drugsor alcohol, life can feel unmanageable. Additionally, even worse is the not-knowing. Look for these signs and symptoms:

  • Changes in friends
  • Unexplained changes in mood and behavior
  • Extreme lethargy
  • Apathy toward activities they once enjoyed
  • Reckless behavior
  • Sleep disruption

If you suspect your loved one has a substance use disorder, it’s important to encourage them to reach out for help. To clarify, accidental overdose is a real threat in America, and it’s easier to spot symptoms of growing addiction than it is to identify drug overdose symptoms. Chemical substances, and opioidslike heroinor oxycodone especially, are easy to overuse to the point where they become fatal. Consequently, a partial hospitalization program may be the tool that saves the life of someone you love.

How Do I Spot Drug Overdose Symptoms?

Drug overdose symptoms may mimic other illnesses such as the flu. However, spotting them in time and understanding what they are isn’t always easy. Common symptoms associated with overdosemay include:

  • Agitation and irritability
  • Stumbling or staggering
  • Delusions or paranoia
  • Violent or aggressive activity
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion and sleepiness
  • Unconsciousness, coma, and death

Unless someone is acting erratically or completely out of character, your first thought may not lean toward drug overdose. As a result, by the time you realize what’s actually happening to your loved one, it may be too late to get the help they need. This is why it’s so important to sit down and talk with your children, your friend, or your spouse without judgment, and encourage them to seek help if they are struggling with substance use disorder.

Where Can I Find Help?

Vogue Recovery Center offers a full continuum of treatment for clients who choose our drug and alcohol treatment centers in Phoenix and Las Vegas. Find help before you ever have to experience drug overdose symptoms like these.

Vogue Recovery Center sits in the peaceful suburbs, away from the chaos of busy, city life. With a wealth of comfortable amenities available, we provide safe, private environments for you or your loved one to recover. Call us today at (866) 682-8449 for more information on the difference Vogue Recovery Center can make in your life.

Sara Schapmann

Sara Schapmann

Sara Schapmann

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