Adderall Withdrawal and Detox
If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction to Adderall and looking to quit, it’s important to know the high potential for withdrawal symptoms. Adderall detox can be a difficult and uncomfortable process, making it dangerous and near impossible to be successful on your own. There is, however, ways to make it through with minimal discomfort. With medical stabilization treatment from a professional detox program, you can safely detox from Adderall to sobriety and begin the journey of recovery.
Common Side Effects of Adderall
Adderall is a stimulant, which means it increases the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain. When this stimulant is taken, the effects on the body can be immediate and noticeable. If misused, the impact of Adderall damage your body in both the short and long term.
Adderall and similar drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may not only lead to addiction but also have serious side effects for people with certain conditions. Some conditions to test for or be concerned about are thyroid issues, pre-existing heart conditions, or high blood pressure. Adderall usage for people with these conditions, and others, can be especially dangerous.

Short-term side effects of Adderall:
- Increased alertness
- Increased attention
- Impulsivity
- Dry mouth
- Sleep disorders
- Increased energy
- Increased blood pressure and heart rate
- Increased blood sugar levels
- Decreased blood flow
- Opening of airway passages
- Increased body temperature
- Irregular heartbeat
- Decreased sleep
- Decreased appetite
- Increased risk of seizures and stroke
- Headaches
- Decreased libido
- Stomach issues
Long-term Adderall side effects:
- Increased risk of heart disease
- Psychosis
- Suicidal thoughts
- Intense anger
- Paranoia
- Sudden death
Whether Adderall is taken over long periods of time or in high doses in a short period of time, the risk for serious side effects increases. This includes the risk of heart issues like heart failure, including in adolescents and young adults. If the person misusing Adderall is injecting, there is a risk for HIV/AIDS and hepatitis when needles are shared.
Signs and Symptoms of Adderall Addiction
As with all drug addictions, it’s important to know the warning signs of Adderall addiction. Adderall is classified as a Schedule II drug, meaning the risk for a substance use disorder is high.
Physical symptoms of Adderall use:
- Loss of appetite that is ongoing
- Severe weight loss
- Excessive tiredness and sleeping for long periods
- Memory loss
- Neglecting personal appearance and hygiene
- Manic episodes
Behavioral symptoms of Adderall use:
- Talking a lot
- Having a lot of energy
- Isolation or changes in friend groups
- Aggression
- Problems with relationships
- Financial issues
- Hiding things, lying, and secretive behaviors
- Impulsivity
- Running out of medication too soon
- Working too much
- Appearing confused or disoriented
It is important to note that not everyone who misuses this drug is addicted. It is often difficult to discern addiction from misuse. If you suspect you or someone you care about is addicted to Adderall, a professional assessment is the best course of action to remove questions, wonder, and doubt.
Signs and Symptoms of Adderall Withdrawal
When an individual stops taking Adderall “cold turkey,” they can experience serious withdrawal symptoms. Some substance users find the withdrawal symptoms to be intolerable, and they relapse.
The following are some common Adderall withdrawal symptoms:
Physical Withdrawal Symptoms:
- Extreme fatigue
- Very slowed heartbeat
- Lack of energy
- Long periods of sleeping
- Strong cravings
Behavioral Withdrawal Symptoms:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Suicidal thoughts
- Impaired focus and concentration
- Irritability
- Inability to feel pleasure
Some less common withdrawal symptoms can include:
- Sweating
- Increased heart rate
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Tremors
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Hypertension
- Seizures
If you’re trying to quit Adderall and experience a relapse, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of overdose, including:
- Rapid heartbeat
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Numbness of a limb
- Feeling faint
- Rash, hives, or other signs of an allergic reaction
If any of these signs of concern are present, seek medical help immediately. To stop substance use effectively and safely, it’s recommended the addicted person seek medical advice and enter a treatment program.
Adderall Withdrawal: On Your Own vs. at a Detox Center
You should never attempt to detox from an addictive substance without the help of a medical professional. If you are thinking of quitting, always speak with your doctor or psychiatrist beforehand.
Adderall Detox at Home
Detoxing from Adderall on your own can be difficult and challenging. Not only do you have to contend with the physical withdrawal symptoms, but also the psychological ones. When you abruptly stop taking Adderall, you may experience:
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Changes in appetite
- Adderall cravings
Detoxing without medical supervision can make these issues worse. In addition, if your withdrawal symptoms become unmanageable or life-threatening, there is no professional to give you immediate medical attention.
Adderall detox and withdrawal can last anywhere from several days to several weeks. During this time, your body is trying to readjust to functioning without the drug. You’re also dealing with any underlying issues that led you to take it in the first place. As withdrawal symptoms begin, many people find themselves battling intense cravings that make resisting Adderall very difficult. To further complicate matters, there is no set timeline for how long or how intense each symptom will be. Certain people may experience worse symptoms for shorter periods of time than others depending on their individual biology and chemistry.
Adderall Detox at a Treatment Center
Detoxing from Adderall in a treatment facility like Vogue Recovery Center ensures you’re medically safe and as comfortable as possible during withdrawal. Treatment centers provide 24/7 medical support by detox specialists who can help manage health concerns that arise during detoxification. They can also provide medications to ease withdrawal symptoms. Your treatment team may put you on a taper schedule. This gradually reduces your Adderall dosage. Only a medical professional knows the safest and most effective dose reduction and taper timeline.
Treatment centers also offer behavioral therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and group counseling, which help you learn how to cope with cravings and develop healthier coping skills. You can easily transition into treatment and rehab programs that will help you address the reasons you abuse Adderall so that you can manage triggers without turning to the drug to cope. Drug rehabs typically offer both inpatient treatment and outpatient programs. The level of care is based on the severity of your addiction and individual circumstances.
Overall, withdrawing from Adderall on your own is highly discouraged due to the risks for physical harm, psychological distress, and potential relapse. The safest way to detox from Adderall is through a specialized treatment program where will have access to:
- Medical care
- Therapeutic interventions
- Ongoing support
- Relapse prevention skill-building
How Long Does Adderall Withdrawal Take?
The Adderall withdrawal timeline can vary depending on the individual. The timeline of Adderall withdrawal can be based on factors like:
- How long you’ve been taking Adderall
- How much Adderall you’ve been using
- Your physical health
- Your mental health
- If you have co-occurring medical conditions
- Using Adderall with alcohol or other drugs
There are general stages that are typically experienced. Within the first few days of stopping Adderall, people often report feeling depressed, fatigued, and irritable. These symptoms can last anywhere from a few days to a week.
After this initial period, you may start to experience more physical symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, and trouble sleeping. These symptoms usually peak within two weeks and then gradually start to improve. However, some people may continue to experience fatigue, trouble concentrating, and changes in mood for several months.
Broken down by phase, the Adderall withdrawal timeline may look like this:
First 2-3 days after quitting Adderall: Some people experience withdrawal symptoms a few hours after their last dose of the drug. This is often called an Adderall “crash” and is characterized by extreme depression and exhaustion.
3-5 days: Symptoms typically get worse during the first week. You may feel irritable, depressed, and tired more often. You may also have headaches and nightmares. This is often when Adderall withdrawal symptoms are their strongest.
One week: After five to seven days, the symptoms of withdrawal will start to lessen. You may still feel down and unable to socialize like you used to, but your mood will slowly begin to improve. There may still be some psychological effects during this period, such as mild depression, but they won’t be as severe.
Weeks to months: Some people say withdrawal symptoms from Adderall can continue weeks after the last dose. This may happen to people who have been taking Adderall for more than a year and have a high tolerance.
What Is Adderall Detox Like in a Treatment Center?
Anyone who struggles with an Adderall addiction knows how difficult it can be to quit on your own. The physical and mental withdrawal symptoms can be overwhelming, and without professional help, it can be all too easy to relapse. That’s why detoxing in a treatment center with medically assisted care is often the best option. In a treatment center, you’ll have around-the-clock support from medical professionals, as well as access to therapies that can help ease the detox process. At Vogue Recovery Center, this includes the use of medicine.
Since sobriety is not recovery, assistance following detox may be necessary. Here’s what you can expect in general. First, you’ll meet with an intake team to discuss your medical history and treatment goals. Then your treatment providers will create a customized treatment plan that may include medication management, individual therapy, group therapy, and other evidence-based treatment therapies. Throughout treatment, you’ll start to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally. You’ll develop the skills you need to live a healthy and drug-free life. All decisions are always based on clinical presentations and treatment for Adderall abuse is driven by your specific needs.
There are different types of treatment with varying levels of intensity at treatment facilities like Vogue Recovery Center. Levels of care include:
Get Help for Adderall Addiction
Addiction treatment at Vogue Recovery Center is focused on helping you achieve sobriety and maintain long-term recovery. We provide a safe and supportive environment where you can work through the challenges of Adderall addiction and develop the skills needed for successful recovery. Our program includes both individual and group therapy, as well as holistic approaches like yoga, art therapy, and mindfulness. We provide many complimentary alternative therapies, including—but not limited to—chiropractic, auricular therapy, and physiotherapy. Additionally, we place emphasis on the entire family system and offer support services to help loved ones heal from the impact of addiction.
Our treatment for substance abuse is evidence-based and engaging. Vogue Recovery Center has treated thousands of people and have proudly facilitated our clients and their families to take back their lives from addiction and regain a new restored happiness.
If you or a loved one is struggling with Adderall abuse, contact Vogue Recovery Center for insurance verification and a free, confidential consultation.