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Cocaine Detox and Withdrawal Symptoms

If you abuse stimulants like cocaine, you’re at riskfor physical discomfort and psychological withdrawal symptoms when you quit. The type and severity of cocaine withdrawal symptoms depend on factors like:

  • How long you’ve been abusing cocaine.
  • The amount of cocaine you abuse regularly.
  • If you’re abusing other drugs and alcohol.
  • Your physical and mental health.
  • If you have any co-occurring medical conditions.

What Is Cocaine Withdrawal Like?

Symptoms of withdrawal from cocaine are usually more psychological than physical. You may have some mild physical symptoms, but most of the more severe effects of cocaine withdrawal are emotional and behavioral.

Quitting cocaine after abusing it for long periods of time can lead to these withdrawal symptoms:

  • Intense cocaine cravings
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Panic attacks
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Apathy / lack of motivation
  • Poor concentration and memory
  • Ruminating thoughts
  • Inability to feel pleasure

How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Last?

There’s no way to predict your cocaine withdrawal timeline. Much of it will depend on your physical and mental health, how long you’ve been abusing cocaine, and your access to medical and behavioral interventions.

For some people, cocaine withdrawal symptomsmay kick in just hours after the last use. Generally, the first week of cocaine withdrawal is the most intense. A few weeks after detox, many cocaine users experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This is a condition common in people recovering from alcohol or drug abuse. This phase of withdrawal from cocaine may include mild to moderate symptoms that can last from weeks to months after last use.

What Causes Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms?

Symptoms of cocaine addictionand withdrawal follow a complex process. Cocaine impacts brain chemicals responsible for pleasurable feelings. These chemicals play important roles in brain activity. Long-term cocaine abuse can alter this activity.

When you quit cocaine “cold turkey,” the processes behind these chemicals are forced into sudden states of dysfunction. This occurs because the brain thinks having cocaine in the body is its “new normal.” When feel-good chemical levels fall below this new normal, cocaine withdrawal symptoms result.

Withdrawal from drugs and alcohol is often what feeds the cycle of addiction. If you’re experiencing discomfort, you will naturally feel an intense pull to stop them. This is when many people relapse and use drugs or alcohol to get rid of withdrawal symptoms and feel “normal” again.

Long-term, heavy cocaine abusecan lead to withdrawal symptoms that may last for months. Prolonged cocaine abuse can cause what some cocaine users call “crashing” when you quit. This includes symptoms of cocaine withdrawal like:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Restlessness
  • Nightmares
  • General feelings of discomfort
  • Cocaine cravings

Breaking the binge-crash cycle of cocaine use can prove extremely difficult for long-term cocaine abusers.

Do You Need Medical Detox for Cocaine Addiction?

Recovery from some types of substance abuse requires medical detoxbecause withdrawal can be dangerous or deadly. Cocaine abusers typically don’t experience severe withdrawal symptoms, but that doesn’t mean you should attempt to stop using cocaine on your own. Every individual’s withdrawal and detox will be different. The safest way to stop using cocaine is through medically assisted detox. Whether that’s through a residential inpatient program or outpatient detox depends on your clinical needs, physical health, and living environment.

Cocaine Detox at Vogue Recovery Center

Detoxing from cocaine is the first step in addiction recovery. This is particularly important if you’re also abusing alcohol or other drugs along with cocaine. The combination of alcoholand drug abuse puts you at risk for painful and dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

At Vogue Recovery Center, we can safely detox you from all substances and make you as comfortable as possible. Our team of medical professionals is with you throughout the detox process. We monitor your vital signs around the clock and immediately attend to any discomfort. We can also administer medications that can ease physical withdrawal symptoms as well as psychological ones like insomnia, panic, anxiety, and depression. 

What Happens After Cocaine Detox?

Your risk of cocaine relapseis high without the right behavioral health treatment and aftercare program. Following a detox program from any type of substance, it’s critical to participate in a structured addiction treatment program. Cocaine detox eliminates toxins from your body and helps you feel better physically and mentally. Drug rehab then helps you get to the reasons behind substance abuse. It teaches you how to live a fulfilling life without drug and alcohol abuse. Addiction treatment centers like Vogue draw on evidence-based approaches to help you get sober and stay sober. These may include:
  • Individual counseling– You’ll explore the reasons behind cocaine use in a safe, accepting space. These can include issues like mental health disorders, trauma, and emotional pain.
  • Group therapy– Counseling sessions with a group of peers helps you connect with others who can relate to your struggles. You’ll gain new insights into yourself and strengthen interpersonal skills.
  • Behavioral therapies– Approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy can help you recognize dysfunctional thought patterns and behaviors. You’ll learn to question them and replace them with healthy and empowering thoughts.
  • Medication management– Co-occurring disorders like depression and anxiety can fuel substance abuse. Psychiatrists can help manage dual diagnosis symptoms with medication as clinically appropriate.
  • Aftercare– Cocaine addiction treatment includes preparing for life after you leave drug rehab. It’s important to connect with important resources to help prevent relapse.
Many people with addictions benefit from inpatient rehab. This ensures 24/7 support and space away from triggers in early recovery. Others may choose outpatient rehab. The highest levels of outpatient treatment are partial hospitalization programsand intensive outpatient programs. In these types of treatment, you attend programming during the day but live at home or a sober living home.

Will Insurance Pay for Treatment?

Your insurance may cover a large portion of drug addiction treatment. Drug and alcohol detox are often considered “medical necessities,” and most insurance companies must cover behavioral health treatment as they do medical treatment.

Vogue Recovery Centers accepts several insurance plans. We’ll work directly with your provider to determine your inpatient vs. outpatient treatment coverage. Call us today to verify your insurance and get an estimate of any out-of-pocket costs.

Ready for Change? Start Here.

It’s time to take back your life from drugs and alcohol. Vogue Recovery Center provides safe and comfortable drug detox and evidence-based substance abuse treatment. Our treatment teams are made up of experienced addiction professionals who are passionate about their work and your recovery.

Overcoming cocaine addiction is difficult, but not impossible. And we think you’ll find addiction recovery is better than you could have imagined.  If you or a loved one is struggling, call us for a free consultation.

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